Monday, April 25, 2011

Breathing Love ...

This blog is an attempt at expressing the inexpressible! You know how it is when you are so deeply, madly in love and you are brought to a standstill! You are wonder struck and quietened but at the same time you so want to share the joys that have suddenly filled the heart.

A wondrous event happened in my life that just changed its course. Even before the event manifested there was a tingling sensation of something amazing being just out there. Little did I know then that I was about to start the most magical time of maybe lifetimes!

It was the day I met my Master! :) The very first time I heard His sweet, child-like voice during the Sudarshan Kriya, I knew that if God ever spoke to me it would be in THIS voice and that I have met the ONE who I have been waiting for, for lifetimes! The recognition was unmistakable! I will now have to grapple for words to describe what the relationship means to me. No words can do justice to that so I will have to leave it at that :)

For the first time in my life I felt belonged! Along with the Guru came an amazing group of the most beautiful and loving souls - The wonderful Art of Living family! I quickly met people who I knew have been with me for ages and we were just so happy to re-connect in Divine love. The Master just swept me off my feet. Every day as I wake up I feel Him anxious to tell me just how much He loves me. Each day comes loaded with gifts for me - enriching moments so carefully planned by Him to help me blossom.

A Divine Romance is ON in full swing! :)

Though words can never fully express the most exquisite feelings yet thank God for words! We can at least give some voice to what our hearts are attempting to say and love does inspire the most beautiful words that just pours forth, and are such a delight to pen down!


  1. Words not enough to express, yet so well expressed thoughts. Well, thoughts are self explanatory. You express the thoughts, you express everything else... Beautiful as you are so is the inner self. As in, as out...

  2. I have met the ONE who I have been waiting for, for lifetimes! The recognition was unmistakable!

    A Divine Romance is in full swing! :)

    Dear Shampa have swept me off my feet by these two lines have put words in my mouth and expressed the inexpressible...thnks sweetie...even i felt the same yaar after hearing Guruji's voice ..Guruji is divinity personified!
