Monday, December 17, 2012


Really, after a point of time, happiness becomes a habit. It comes after you have lived through some dark phases and realised that

1) Everything comes to pass. No sorrow remains forever. After a point of time you don't even remember the person/thing that you had at one point of time thought to be indispensable. Phew, what freedom! :)
2) You really do not need to depend on anything/anyone for your happiness. YOU are the source. Wow! To realize THIS!
3) Life has inexhaustible treasures. If you ask me I can never understand how can anyone get bored in life. There are books, movies, fulfilling relationships, traveling, photography, conversations, trekking, cooking or simply sky gazing ~ the world is filled with abundant things to keep you engaged in so many delightful ways. EXPLORE!

4) Remembrance of death. Everything falls off when you just remind yourself that one day it will all get over.
5) Keep your connection with the Divine ON at all times. Share EVERYTHING with Him, and watch the magic.

.... And when the prana level does hit rock bottom at times, know that this is just to enhance the taste of the bubbling happiness that is just around the corner.

All joy, love, and peace to all of us. After all, we are the heirs of immortal bliss. :-))

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