Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Beautiful Mind.

His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Germany Ashram, July 13

See, if you are not looking beautiful, don’t feel low because someone else is beautiful. They may have a beautiful body, you have a beautiful mind. Remember that. Not everyone with a beautiful body has a beautiful mind. Sometimes when you look at their face, it looks so dull. Somebody may have a beautiful mind but they may not have a sharp intellect. You have a sharp intellect. So look into what you have. 

Someone may have lot of money, so what? You have talent, you have a good heart, you have something. 

When you start comparing with somebody else, you forget there is a dimension inside you which is much bigger than anything else, and which gives everything to everybody. When you latch on to that then you will get over all these complexes. Do you see what I am saying? 

The world is full of so many complexes in the mind. You should overcome those complexes. And what can make you come out of complexes? Not psychotherapy, but spirituality. Latching on to the inner space will lift you from all complexes – inferior, superior, exterior, interior, all of them. All types of 'rior’ and irritating complexes will go away! 

You will find that, ‘Ah! So nice, and so peaceful.’ 
In Hindi there is a saying – "Mann Meetha Toh Jaag Meetha". When there is sweetness inside of you then everything around you is also sweet.

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