Monday, December 17, 2012


Have been observing the sangha the past few days. Working with people always makes me so alert. It is a challenge to not complain, to not feel "how could he/she behave in this manner".. "he/she is NOT living the knowledge" and so many other things.

Seva is where all the war happens.
The war between the focus on the outside world, and the focus on the inside world. Everything will happen here to keep your focus on the outside. Being alert is when you keep turning every event as an opportunity to turn inwards. :)

Reminds me of what Guruji says about Sangha. 

"The group (sangha) is very charming from distance or with just a little acquaintance, but the closer you get, it pushes all your buttons and brings about all the unwanted things from within you. If you think some group is very good, then that means you are not yet completely with the group. When you are totally part of that group, you will find that some bickering will come up. That's why you find the other group to be better than your group; but you make the group - so if you are better, your group will also be better.
Sangha has a reverse nature to Buddha. Once you are used to a Sangha, it loses its charm. Buddha makes your mind one-pointed; Sangha, because it includes so many people, can scatter your mind, fragment it. This is the nature of Sangha, though it is very supportive. If it were repulsive all the time, than nobody would be part of the Sangha."

When you know the nature of the sangha, then you move beyond the words and actions of the people involved. One thing I learnt .. - Dont judge or try to understand people, just love them. :) :)
(And this benefits YOU, saves YOUR mind, and bestows an unshakeable smile)

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